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Hunter Hall

Senior Photos In Harsh Lighting

One of my personal strengths in the photography world is being able to shoot in many different lighting situations. I didn't develop this skill by practicing different lighting situations on purpose or by studying the science behind photography lighting. It has come naturally over the years because I have forced myself to shoot whenever and wherever. I rarely say no to a location or time of day. I know this makes some photographers loose their minds, but it's just how I have operated throughout the life of my business. I am known as an adventurous photographer, and I can't be very adventurous if I am always waiting for perfect situations. Therefore, I have developed a very useful skill that allows me to shoot in many lighting situations like the one you will see in Ayden's senior gallery below.

For this session, we wanted to use the lake at sunset. This is Greer's Ferry Lake in Heber Springs, AR. The way the sun sets in this particular spot is not ideal for amazing sunset photos with the sun shining beautifully behind the subject. However, after the sun goes down behind the trees, the lighting is AMAZING. Here is a photo to prove it. We took this one and others like it after the sun went down.

a boy standing by the lake at sunset

Before this incredible lighting decided to grace our presence, we had to suffer through some harsh lighting with the sun shining from across the lake. That means I had to get real creative with some poses and angles in order to pull off the vibe of these photos. With harsh sun and direct light, you can't just take the photo. There is more thinking and planning involved. Being able to do this thinking and planning on the spot and very quickly is the key. There will be many shadows and very bright highlights, so moody creativity is a friend in this situation.

I will admit... My style is far more moody than a lot of photographers. I use the natural shadows of a photo to my advantage. I play with natural lighting in different situations to create my vibe. So, this kind of situation doesn't scare me as much as it might someone who needs light to be even and perfect to fit their style of photography. That is not to say one is better than the other, though. There are so many different styles out there. The key to getting the results that you want from a photographer is to find the one that you are drawn to because of their style, their colors, their vibe, etc. I just hope this shows someone that harsh lighting situations can be so unique if you know how to navigate through them. Not every session has to have pristine lighting in order to be useable.

FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHER READING THIS... Get out there and force yourself to shoot in difficult situations. Don't always play it safe. The knowledge you will gain from it is priceless, even if you won't be shooting in those situations regularly.

FOR THE POTENTIAL CLIENT READING THIS... I have made it a business model of mine to take my clients on adventures. I love creating while enjoying an amazing experience. You don't have to be worry about how the photos will turn out. Choose that weird location! We will use it to the best of our abilities and imaginations to create your dream session!

Take a look through these senior photos in harsh lighting to see for yourself!

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